Experimental philosophical bioethics: position statement accepted for publication

By Brian D. Earp (Yale University)

The dust has settled, receipts have been processed, and the first-ever international workshop on “bioxphi” is finally over. It was an inspiring couple of days, with empirically-minded philosophers and ethicists and normatively-minded doctors and cognitive scientists coming together to share recent work and hammer out a vision for this emerging field of inquiry. After many rounds of edits, with multiple co-authors contributing ideas, making additions, and suggesting changes in a massive Google Doc in the weeks following the workshop, I am happy to report that our joint position statement on experimental philosophical bioethics is now in press at AJOB: Empirical Bioethics. The author information and a link to the pre-print are below:

Earp, B. D., Demaree-Cotton, J., Dunn, M., Dranseika, V., Everett, J. A. C., Feltz, A., Geller, G., Hannikainen, I. R., Jansen, L., Knobe, J., Kolak, J., Latham, S., Lerner, A., May, J., Mercurio, M., Mihailov, E., Rodriguez-Arias, D., Rodriguez Lopez, B., Savulescu, J., Sheehan, M., Strohminger, N., Sugarman, J., Tabb, K., & Tobia, K. (in press). Experimental philosophical bioethics. AJOB Empirical Bioethics, in press. Available online ahead of print at https://www.researchgate.net/publication/337196406_Experimental_philosophical_bioethics.

Brian Earp